Double star in the constellation Serpens consisting of two white "A class" stars of nearly equal brightness. This system has a measured distance of 132 light years. The two stars are separated by 900 astronomical units, or about 11 times the diameter of Pluto's orbit around the Sun. The two stars rotate about a common center of mass every 14,000 years.
Image Name:
Double Star Theta Serpens
Date Taken:April 27, 2010
Location Taken: Conditions of Location:FWHM 2.1
Equipment Used:14.5" Ritchey-Chretien telescope, SBIG STL11000 CCD camera, Astrodon RGB filters, TCC, PIR, remote guide head used with Takahashi Sky90 for autoguiding, T-Point used for polar alignment (required for each imaging session due to my portable setup).
Processing Used: Distance from Location:132 light years
Constellation:Serpens (the "snake")
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