The Bubble Nebula is named after the stunning image of a "bubble" in the center of the nebulosity. The bubble spans 6 light years (36 trillion miles), and is rapidly expanding. It is larger than the distance between our Sun and the nearest 4 stars.
Image Name:
The Bubble Nebula (NGC7635) in Cassiopeia
Date Taken:September 30, 2008
Location Taken: Conditions of Location:FWHM 2.74
Equipment Used:14.5" Ritchey-Chretien telescope, SBIG ST-10XME CCD camera, Astrodon RGB filters, TCC, PIR.
Processing Used:11x300 seconds luminance, 8x200 seconds RGB (total exposure time of 2 hours 15 minutes), 1x1 binning, combined in Maxim and processed in Photoshop, periodic Paramount mount error -4.9/-2.0
Distance from Location:7,100 light years
Constellation:Cassiopeia (mythological wife of King Cepheus)
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