A planetary nebula in the constellation Gemini, some 3,000 light years away. See M57 (the Ring Nebula) for a description of planetary nebulae.
Image Name:
The "Clown Face Nebula" NGC2392 in Gemini
Date Taken:January 9, 2007
Location Taken: Conditions of Location:FWHM 3.6
Equipment Used:14.5" Ritchey-Chretien, SBIG ST-10XME CCD camera, Astrodon RGB filters, TCC, PIR.
Processing Used:12 x 200 seconds luminance, and 6 x 200 seconds RGB, guided, processed in Maxim DL and Photoshop (total exposure 100 minutes)
Distance from Location:3,000 light years
Constellation:Gemini (the "twins")
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